In Japan, we have four seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, called Shiki (四季).
And each of the four seasons divided into six seasons (which makes 24 seasons) are called Nijuushi Sekki (二十四節気).
The 24 Seasons are further divided into approximately 5-day intervals, dividing the year into 72 parts called Shichijuu-ni Kou (七十二候).
The date of each 72 seasons are vary depending on the year, and you can check what season it is today here!
Names of 4 Seasons, 24 Seasons, and 72 Seasons
[4 Seasons] Spring – 春 (Haru)

[24 Seasons] Risshun – 立春
[72 Seasons]
[24 Seasons] Usui – 雨水
[72 Seasons]
[24 Seasons] Keichitsu – 啓蟄
[72 Seasons]
[24 Seasons] Shunbun – 春分
[72 Seasons]
[24 Seasons] Seimei – 清明
[72 Seasons]
[24 Seasons] Kokuu – 穀雨
[72 Seasons]
[4 Seasons] Summer – 夏 (Natsu)

[24 Seasons] Rikka – 立夏
[72 Seasons]
[24 Seasons] Shouman – 小満
[72 Seasons]
[24 Seasons] Boushu – 芒種
[72 Seasons]
[24 Seasons] Geshi – 夏至
[72 Seasons]
[24 Seasons] Shousho – 小暑
[72 Seasons]
[24 Seasons] Taisho – 大暑
[72 Seasons]
[4 Seasons] Autumn – 秋 (Aki)

[24 Seasons] Risshuu – 立秋
[72 Seasons]
[24 Seasons] Shosho – 処暑
[72 Seasons]
[24 Seasons] Hakuro – 白露
[72 Seasons]
[24 Seasons] Shuubun – 秋分
[72 Seasons]
[24 Seasons] Kanro – 寒露
[72 Seasons]
[24 Seasons] Soukou – 霜降
[72 Seasons]
[4 Seasons] Winter – 冬 (Fuyu)