Today we are very excited to announce our application for you to learn Kanji: Kanji Master.

Kanji Master has designed to sort and group Jōyō Kanji as the way Japanese actually learn; by each school year.
For example, the first grade contains the first 80 Jōyō Kanji that we learn for the first year in a primary school in Japan. And you can choose which grade of Kanji you want to focus on learning.
With “Learn” function, you can learn all the readings (indicated as On-yomi and Kun-yomi), radical, stroke count, and meaning in English of each Kanji.

The application has 5 types of exercises to help you to memorize Kanji, as well as to improve reading ability and character recognition through the use of a handwritten font. This allows users of the application to be able to read not only the Japanese characters in a printing font, but also the handwriting Japanese, which is not easily mastered if you learn Japanese only in a computer font.

Statistics are also available to allow you to follow the characters you have learned, and also to know your strengths and weaknesses. For example, you will have a list of Kanji that you got wrong answers. You can then concentrate on these characters to improve your memories.

What makes our Kanji Master more unique and original is, it uses a handwritten font for all Japanese characters in the application unlike a lot of Kanji learning applications out there, which was the one reason we decided to develop our own application.
For the moment Kanji Master offers 440 Kanji, from 1st to 3rd school years, but more Kanji will be soon added, and eventually we aim to reach the all 2136 Jōyō Kanji. The application is now available in English and French.
To fully enjoy the application Kanji Master, you must first master Hiragana and Katakana. This is obviously a necessary step before starting to learn Kanji.
You can download the application directly from the Google Play Store or simply click this link: Kanji Master
If you have any comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to leave a message in the comments section below!