Today’s Kanji is “父” (chichi); Kanji for “father”.

Handwritten Kanji “父” (chichi)

Readings, Radical and Meaning of “父”
漢字 Kanji | 読み Readings | ローマ字 Romaji | 画数 Stroke Count | 部首 Radical | 意味 Meaning |
父 | フ ちち | fu chichi | 4 | 父 | father |
Readings contain “音読み(on-yomi)” and “訓読み(kun-yomi)“. On-yomi is written in “カタカナ(katakana)” and Kun-yomi is written in “ひらがな(hiragana)“. (⇒ What is On-yomi and Kun-yomi?)
Jukugo (Kanji Compound Words) / Usage of “父”
Jukugo / Usage | Yomi | Romaji | Meaning |
父母 | ふぼ | fubo | Father and mother |
父の日 | ちちのひ | chichinohi | Father’s Day |
花嫁と父親 | はなよめとちちおや | hanayome to chichioya | Bride and father |